Experience some of London’s historic sites

While many people visit London to enjoy its modern culture, there are many more who visit the city for its rich history and medieval structures. If you plan to be in London in the near future, here are 4 historic sites that cannot be missed:

1. Nelson’s Column

Located in Trafalgar Square, the Nelson’s Column is dedicated to Admiral Lord Nelson. As the victor of various naval battles, he became a national hero, and was killed during the Battle of Trafalgar (although he was still victorious).

Nelson’s Column does not require admission, which makes it a great place to visit on a budget. Since it is centrally located, there are many shops and places to eat nearby, although parking is restricted due to heavy traffic. Luckily, you can stay in a nearby hotel within walking distance or close to public transportation.

Magnificent entrance to the British Museum

2. The British Museum

The British Museum is a world renowned museum that has a collection of artifacts from around the world and throughout history. From the Ancient Egyptian to the Samurai, the museum has plenty to offer in order to keep visitors busy. In addition to its exhibits, the museum also offers workshops, trails, and other activities that are perfect for family visits.

Admission to the British Museum is free, and it is open daily from 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM. However, on Fridays, the museum is open from 10:00 AM to 8:30 PM.

3. The Tower of London

You cannot visit London without stopping by the Tower of London. Built in the 1080’s by William the Conqueror, the Tower of London is a royal residence, Norman fortress, and prison all in one that is rich in history. With plenty of family activities available, such as the Medieval Palace family trial and Yeoman Warder tours, there is plenty for visitors of all ages to enjoy.

The Tower of London is open from Tuesday to Saturday at 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM, and Sunday and Monday at 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

4. Jewel Tower

The Jewel Tour was built in 1365 as part of the medieval Westminster Palace. It was used to store King Edward III’s riches and known as the “King’s Privy Wardrobe.” In 1834, a fire burned down most of the palace, although the Jewel Tower and Westminster Hall survived the ordeal.

AKA King’s Privy Wardrobe

Today, visitors can visit the Jewel Tower and take tours. The tours typically last for about a half hour and includes exhibits, as well as views of the vault and medieval moat and quay. The Jewel Tower is open to the public daily from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Although there is much to see and do in London, it is important to take the time to learn more about its history as well. With these 4 historic sites, you will both entertain and educate your entire family on your next trip.


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