Discover Authentic Greece

Greece is a country of many charms. Its status as the birthplace of the modern ideas behind philosophy and modern government remain intact, the country boasts impeccable historical pedigree; its world heritage sites alone enough to make most archaeologists green with envy.

It may be a country of only 11 million people, but its coastline – a maze of rocky outcrops and uninhabited islands – is the second longest in Europe. As inhospitable in some places as the mountains that dominate the country’s interior, Greece is a country full of character, an innate charm and a beauty which can be found both in the solitude of the countryside and on its untouched beaches.

Its people too are warm, hospitable and friendly, their generosity of spirit in keeping with traditional values that are becoming harder to find in Europe. Few warmer welcomes can be expected than at a Greek taverna, and few holiday destinations will provide such a healthy spread as a Greek estiatorio. Rich in olive oil, herbs and wholegrains, the Greek diet experience is one that will leave you looking and feeling great.

So, as the country rapidly modernises, now is the time to experience Greece as it should be: beautiful, tranquil and untouched by the stress of life at home. Perhaps this video from Sunvil can better illustrate these words…


2 thoughts on “Discover Authentic Greece”

  1. I have fond memories of Greece from my childhood with most our family holidays spent on one Island or another. Amongst all the photos on the beach or with the old Greek orthodox priests who seemed to always be ready for a photo I best remember the food. Great smokey whole fish with fresher than fresh salads. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it!

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